WORLD REFILL DAY - and other days for the calendar

WORLD REFILL DAY - and other days for the calendar

It's small changes that make a lot of difference. Not drinking coffee from a paper cup, but choosing a reusable alternative. Refilling your water bottle instead of buying a new one every time. When you buy your food to go, bring your own fresh box. Stocking up at the unpacking shop. In short, it's about realising that it's not recycling that brings the most benefit to the environment, but the concrete avoidance of waste itself. 

To raise awareness of this complex of issues, the "World Refill Day" was launched a few years ago. We also take part in this day, because refilling our natural care is a central part of the Soeder philosophy. Our dark brown glass bottles can be refilled not only in our own shops: We have now built up a network of over 120 refill stations! And we don't just have Switzerland in mind anymore: You can also find Soeder refill stations in Germany and Sweden. 

Of course, one's own day cannot change anything. But we firmly believe that it is always important to remind ourselves of the impact of our own consumption behaviour on the environment. Another day that points this out is Overshoot Day. Every year, it shows us when we have consumed so many resources that the earth's supply and capacity to reproduce these resources have been exceeded in that year. World Soil Day on 5 December may also be of interest to you: it reminds us that the natural resource soil, which is important for everything that grows - such as the organic cotton in our T-shirts or the oils we need to make our soap - also needs mindful treatment. 

Finally, every year on 20 May is World Bee Day: it exists because more than half of the wild bee species in our latitudes are threatened. And without them, we would not only have no more honey, but plants would simply lack pollinators. How can the bees be helped? Plant something that flowers beautifully. As I said, it's small changes that make a lot of difference.